Friday, September 26, 2014

Blog 3: AMA The American Marketing Association

After typing AMA into Google or any search engine for that matter, you can see that there are multiple AMA’s that exist in the world. This includes the American Medical Association, Academy of Model Aeronautics, American Motorcyclist Association and American Management Association. In relation to this Marketing class, the main one to be focused on among all of these AMAs is the American Marketing Association. Established in 1937, The American Marketing Association is a professional association for both larger organizations and individuals looking to bring their knowledge of marketing worldwide through teaching, practice and development. Their principle role is:      

“…to serve as a forum to connect like-minded individuals and foster knowledge sharing, provide resources, tools and training and support marketing practice and thought leadership around the globe.”(American Marketing Association AMA)     

The association is currently 30,000 members and growing connecting all those in the marketing field together. The association, from what is told and described through their website, aims to unite all those working in the marketing field to build a community of business professionals. There are many sections to its vastly filled website which as you click on the link you can immediately see how much is offered through the association. Offering many different opportunities, networking and marketing tools it is a large association that appears to have a large presence in the business world. In going through the website, you can see that it really is a large association that has a lot of power within the business world. This is in the massive amounts of networking that the site offers along with the different connections you can make not only with the association but other businesses through it.

This is most likely the reason why the association’s domain name is "" rather than As noted earlier on in this blog entry there is multiple organizations and associations that take on the same abbreviation as the American Marketing Association. By changing the domain name, it allows for the association to differentiate itself from those who share the same domain name. This also allows those who are looking and interested in the association to find the site much more easily when navigating the web. Another reason that the American Marketing Association might have wanted a different domain name is because it reflects more on what the goals of the association are.

The association works in hope of teaching and developing marketing knowledge on not a small but worldwide scale making it its own marketing power. By using “marketing power” rather than “AMA” not only differentiated the site from similar abbreviated associations but gives off a better understanding of the association itself. This domain reflects on the mission and goals of the organization, while also adding a little creativity to the site. The site offers everything from connections to job opportunities, events and training, membership to get access to different networks, publications and much more. The association through all it offers and what it has grown to become in the past seventy plus years has made it exactly what you would call a “marketing power”. 


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