Sunday, September 14, 2014

Blog 1: Goals

For this first blogging assignment in Marketing 215-B, we were asked to answer what our academic, personal, and professional goals were to be for this semester. In relation to all three, my main goal would be to not only learn more of the marketing field but also how to apply it to what I hope to do in the future. Having a Business minor I get a glimpse into the business world taking five classes throughout my four years at Saint Mike’s. For academics, I gratefully made Dean’s List the past two semesters. Not only have I accomplished this but I learned a lot in the process which I hope to take away again this semester. Different to my previous two years at Saint Mike’s, I am studying abroad in Granada, Spain where I am excited for both the travelling and academics there.

Professionally I am trying to eventually work in Public Relations, Marketing and Events so being able to take a class in the subject of what I want to take on as a profession I am looking forward to. This past summer I worked as a PR/Marketing intern for a bridal photography company called A Bride’s Day where I worked with social media, social events and weddings. I also got to learn a fair amount about marketing and networking since A Bride’s Day is part of Rhode Island Wedding Group, a bridal industry networking group within the state. It was a great learning experience and gave me a better sense of what I wanted to work toward.  This semester I also took on a smaller internship for Vermont Youth Rugby Association (VYRA) or 802 Rugby which I am looking forward to. I am attending my first meeting tomorrow actually so that will be the start of my internship.

Along with this I am working this summer as a Marketing intern for my cousin’s winery, Newport Vineyards in Middletown, RI.  You can say I got very lucky with the internships I have been able to work! With all these internships, I hope to get experience and learn as much about the field as I can. My hopes are to either work in the wedding industry or the ski industry. Very different areas but I have skied since I was little and would love to work in that industry. After my internship this summer a job in the wedding industry whether it is working public relations, marketing, networking or events would be a great field too.

As for my personal goals for the semester, they are around what my goals are for almost every semester. My main goal is to learn as much as I can in the time that I have. This semester I especially focused on working on my Media Studies, Digital Arts major and Business minor so I am excited to keep studying into more of what I hope to do with my future profession. My other goals include my internship and being on top of my work. I did put a good amount of work on my plate for this semester and one of my goals is to ty to stay on top of it as best I can. Even though it will be a work-heavy semester, it’s the subject material I am interested in and should be one that hopefully I will be able to take a lot away from. 

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